Judith McNaught Westmoreland Series

Here’s a complete list of all the books that are part of Judith McNaught’s Westmoreland series.

If you’d like more information about all her novels – not just those that feature members of the Westmoreland family – check out our list of all her books in chronological order.

In the list below, there are links to pages for each of the books that are part of this series. On those pages, you can find the following information:

  • Its release date
  • A description of the novel / novella
  • An image of the book cover
  • A link to the story on Amazon in case you would like to read reviews or purchase a copy

We’ve listed the books in this series in order of when the stories are based, rather than their actual publication date.

The reason for this is that the first novel that featured the Westmoreland family was Whitney, My Love which was published in 1985. Judith McNaught then published A Kingdom Of Dreams a few years later, but that story is actually a prequel to Whitney, My Love, hence A Kingdom Of Dreams being listed first.

Westmoreland Series In Order

  1. A Kingdom Of Dreams
  2. Whitney, My Love
  3. Until You
  4. Miracles